Work during Ramadan

5 Tips to Stay Motivated at Work during Ramadan

Fasting has many awesome benefits and in recent years, fasting has become a modern lifestyle. As Muslims, we need to remember that the primary reason we fast is because it was legislated by Allah, we submit to it, and perform it as an act of worship to get closer to Allah. Coming back to the

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Physical Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan

Physical Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan

With Ramadan approaching us in less than three months, Muslims around the world are preparing to fast. In obedience to the command of Allah they will abstain from food and drink, amongst other things, during the days of the holy month. Fasting is more than just a religious duty for a Muslim and it is

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9 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan 2022

9 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan 2022

In the blink of an eye, it’s already Rajab, which means we are less than two months away from Ramadan 2022. It is in this month that we start planting our seeds and strive to nurture our taqwa (God-fearing) to prepare ourselves for the holy month. To quote Imam Abu Bakr al-Warraq al-Balkhi, the uncle

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5 Ways to Maintain Good Habits after Ramadan

5 Ways to Maintain Good Habits after Ramadan

How long does it take for a behavior to become a habit? According to a 2009 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, it takes 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit. While on average, it takes 66 days for new behaviors to turn automatic. Similarly, last Ramadan

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Ramadan Fasting

Intention to Fast The obligatory fasting in Ramadan is not considered valid unless a person has made known their intention by reciting a dua to affirm the intention to fast during some part of the night.  The purpose of making our intentions clear—before any deed for that matter—is to remind our inner selves of our

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Ramadan The Month Of Mercy

Ramadan: The Month Of Mercy

Ramadan may seem like a month of fasting and restraint. But to a Muslim, it is nothing short of a miracle month filled with  mercy, blessings, and contentment.  For millions,  it’s a month where rewards are multiplied manifold and prayer is accepted. But just how far is the mercy in the month of Ramadan and

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Second Ramadan In Pandemic: How have things changed?

It has been a year since the Coronavirus came into existence and altered our lives in more ways than we have ever expected and in manners that we could have never predicted. And although another journey around the sun has come to pass, it feels like yesterday when we stressed out about getting through Ramadan

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Laylatul qadar

Laylat al-Qadr: 10 Super Deeds for 10 Super Nights

It is said that the best of months is Ramadan. The best of days are the days of Dhul Hijjah. The best of nights are the nights of Ramadan and the best of those is the Night of Power aka Laylat al-Qadr.  It is up to us that we make the most of the last

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Ramadan Oral Health

Smile Brighter This Ramadan : Oral Hygiene

With Ramadan around the corner and preparations in full swing, one aspect that often gets overlooked is preparation for oral hygiene in Ramadan. Most of us have mentally drafted spiritual, physical or social checklists; be it the number of juz we wish to memorize, the charity organisation we want to be part of, the number

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Woman’s Journey In Ramadan

A Woman’s Journey In Ramadan

Ramadan is less than a year  away, and a woman’s journey in Ramadan requires specific preparations to ensure that the best is made of this sacred month. As many get ready to embrace this month head on, some of us may be feeling a little laid back, unsure about how to prepare and make the

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