beginning of Ramdan

The Beginning of Ramadan

It is obligatory for every Mukallaf, able person to fast the month of Ramadan. It is obligatory upon such people to fast upon seeing the crescent moon even if it’s been sighted by a single trustworthy person. According to the mu’tamad position of the madhab it is valid to be sighted by a single upright

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Ramadan & Completing the Quran

Ramadan and rewards go hand in hand. The mention of Ramadan brings charity and Quran to our minds. Allah (SWT) mentions in the Quran that: The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. (Quran 2:185) The holy Quran was

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Do Muslims Pay Zakat only in Ramadan?

Hooray! Ramadan is here, and its hard to contain our excitement! Muslims around the world have begun preparing for Ramadan, starting from the awesome Ramadan planner which is widely distributed through whatsapp messages to calculating our due Zakat amount. The month of Ramadan is well-loved and enjoyed by all Muslims, be it rich or poor,

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Ramadan zakat

Ramadan: The Most Favourite Month

Yes! Ramadan is here, and it is the most awaited month for almost all Muslims! It is commonly known for being the month of fasting and the month of giving. In short, Ramadan is a month if properly accomplished by a Muslim, will help to purify his/her soul and bring him/her closer to Allah (SWT).

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