Leveraging Waqf as a driver of social entrepreneurship

Leveraging Waqf as a driver of social entrepreneurship

Sustainability has become a mainstream issue across all financial sectors, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is especially true in Islamic finance, which includes intrinsic factors such as being ethical, sustainable, responsible, transparent, green, and equitable. As financial intermediaries, Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) have a natural responsibility to do more — they must have a

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Empowering The Legacy of Singaporean Ulama

PERGAS Launches PERLU Endowment Fund

“Ulama” scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. With that appreciation in mind, the Singapore Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Association or “Persatuan Ulama dan Guru-Guru Agama Islam Singapura” (PERGAS) is launching the PERGAS Ulama Legacy Endowment Fund or Dana PERGAS Endowmen Legasi Ulama (PERLU) to ensure the sustainability and empowerment

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Walking Through Waqf Part 3

Waqf al-Khairi & Waqf al-Dhurri

WALKING THROUGH WAQF – PART 3 Types of Waqf A waqf can be divided into two types which are waqf al-Khairi and waqf al-Dhurri. 1) Waqf al-Khairi Waqf al-Khairi is created from the very beginning for a virtuous and charitable purpose for the sake of Allah. It can be subdivided into 2 types in which

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Walking Through Waqf – Part 2

The 4 Pillars of Waqf In waqf, there are 4 pillars which are: The Founder (واقف) The Waqf Asset (موقوف) Beneficiaries (موقوف عليه) Expression ( صيغة) Conditions for the Founder (Waqif) He must own the property at the moment of the endowment. He must have the legal capacity (mukallaf) for disposing of his property. He

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Walking Through Waqf – Part 1

The term waqf literally means to prevent (habs) or restraint. In legal terms, it means to protect a thing or to prevent it from becoming the property of a third person. In definition, waqf refers to the endowment of an asset or property by a Muslim to the ownership of Allah for religious, charitable, and

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Is Waqf Mentioned in the Quran?

Don’t believe it? Yes, it’s true! There is no direct mentioned of waqf in the Quran. Instead, waqf which refers to a religious endowment i.e. a voluntary and irrevocable dedication of one’s wealth or a portion of it – in cash or kind, and its disbursement for Shariah compliant projects is mentioned in several hadiths

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Types of Waqh Global Sadaqah

Types of Waqf in Easy Steps

Waqf is an endowment made by a Muslim for a religious, educational, or charitable cause. It is an essential tool towards achieving socio-economic development, and if properly implemented, it can play a major role towards reducing unemployment and poverty eradication, eventually contributing towards the socio-economic progress of Muslim communities. It is a type of institution

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