The Differences between Zakat Al Mal and Zakat Al Fitr

The Differences between Zakat Al Mal and Zakat Al Fitr

Let us explore the difference between Zakat Al mal and Zakat Al Fitr.  To begin, let’s dive deep into the terminology itself. We have learned that the Arabic word ‘Zakat’ means growth and purification. Al Fitr comes from the word إفطار or “breaking the fast” because it marks the breaking of the long fast at the

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Long-Term Social Implications of the Zakat System

Long-Term Social Implications of the Zakat System

The zakat system has long been an imperative cornerstone for the progress and conservation of Islamic values in a modern context. More importantly, zakat defines and reiterates the need for social welfare in any given society, as a clear and definitive approach to philanthropic behaviour in the context of religion and social progress in general.

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Social Cohesion

Social Cohesion Through Zakat

By Dr. Lafeer Muhfeeth Can Zakat distribution be used as a mechanism to enhance social cohesion in multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious societies? In this article, we will show that Zakat can be disbursed among all needy citizens, regardless of their religion and race, as a means to win their hearts and enhance social cohesion. Why is

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The Impact of Zakat on Muslim Society

The Impact of Zakat in Muslim Society

Zakat is an obligatory form of charity that all eligible Muslims pay as required by the Shariah. If you’re a Muslim and you have a certain amount of wealth, you probably already pay Zakat every year. But a lot of us don’t really comprehend how Zakat can impact and shape society for the benefit of

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Giving Items Instead of Cash for Zakat

Giving Items Instead of Cash for Zakat

If you’re a Muslim, you probably know about Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam. You may have even given Zakat previously if you’re eligible. And if you give Zakat regularly every year, chances are you’ve always given it as cash money.  Most people give Zakat in cash, but if you have ever wondered

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The Need to Adopt Technology in Zakat Administration

The Need to Adopt Technology in Zakat Administration

Associate Professor Dr Aishath MuneezaINCEIF, Malaysia Zakat as we all know is a very important pillar of Islam and a socio-economic tool for alleviating poverty. The effectiveness of zakat when properly applied has been demonstrated throughout history. For instance, during the period of the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, it is said that there were

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Types Of Zakat In Islam

What Are the Types of Zakat You Can Pay in Islam (Part 2)

This is the second edition of a two-part series on the types of zakat in Islam. Read on to find out what types of assets are considered zakatable. (Read the part 1 from here) Previously, we’ve established that zakat is derived from the words purify and increase. Zakat is also an obligatory form of charity that

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How to calculate Zakat In Islam

How to Calculate Zakat in Islam?

Giving out zakat is an obligation for all eligible Muslims. But admittedly, formulating how much you need to pay for your zakat can be confusing. Hence, we came up with this mini guide to help you navigate the different facets of paying your zakat. But before we dive right in, it’s always good to remind

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Zakat Types

What Are the Types of Zakat You Can Pay in Islam (Part 1)

Derived from the definitions purify and increase, In Islam Zakat is an obligatory charity that Muslims must pay every year.  As one of the five pillars of Islam, zakat is considered one of the most important things a Muslim will do in their life.  Therefore, it’s necessary for all Muslims to learn and perform the

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Analysing Zakat in Quran

Analyzing Zakat In The Quran

The word zakat is mentioned in the Quran 30 times, with 27 of them associated with prayers in the same verse. In one place, zakat is mentioned alongside the word “prayers” in the same sequence of verses: “those who humble themselves in their prayers” and “who are active indeed in zakat.” Out of the 30

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